Year One - 2005

So I think it was Spring, or maybe the end of winter - early 2004. My little sister called me and said something about a thing she was gonna do and a friend did it last year and would I? Of course. The middle sister fell for it too. So then it is Spring, our cousin has signed on and we finally realize we've committed to waking 60 miles in three days and camping in tents for two nights.

So we're totally newbies. We have no idea what we're doing and we have to raise $2K each for the honor of walking 60 miles in three days. whoa.

Instigating little sister did a lot of the heavy lifting that year and it's not as well documented as I would like. Our primary fundraiser that year was a dinner/dance and silent auction. Kinda like prom for adults. It was way fun, look:

That's us the night in question. Sister 1, me, Sister 2, cousin.

Here we are with our families. It took Mom a couple years to get on board, but she's all about the three day now!

So we had this great event and raised a bunch of loot, sent a lot of letters and raised some more loot, did practice walks on the weekends, raised some more loot, and headed out for our first three day event!

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