Day One - 2005

Day One started at 0 dark thirty. Les collected each one of us and dropped us at the starting point. We packed our bags, badly. I didn't even remember to bring a pillow! (Yes, there was a list of suggested items, yes a pillow was on it so were a whole lot of other things I didn't see when I didn't read it.) We loaded our bags onto the truck, headed out for opening ceremonies, and then hit the road.

In 2004, the walk was in October. October in the desert: not so cool. Actually, just shy of wicked hot. We walked in pairs most of the day, the faster walkers waiting for the slower at lunch and the last pit stop so we could all roll in together. There were lots of teams that first day, lots of people in cute matching shirts, or with pom poms and props. Everyone was all happy and motivated. There were cheering stations along the route, but none of us had told anyone about them that first day - so we had no one in particular there to cheer for us, but you would have thought we did. People brought out water and ice cream and candy and just handed it off to everyone as they walked by. Kids stand on the side-lines holding their hands out for high fives as you go by. It is as intense as it sounds cheesy. I mean intense.

By the end of day one, we were HOT, tired, sore, and maybe a little wilted. We were walking the last few blocks into camp and there were people on the side walks cheering. There was woman on the side of the road who was completely bald holding a sign that said thank you for walking for me. There is no way to see that and not have everything stop hurting at least for a minute or two.

We waited in line for about an hour for a shower, and then hit the camp cafeteria for dinner. I had laughed at first when I heard lights out was at 9pm, but we were all in our tents before then. That was after we pitched them. I gotta tell ya, we are not campers. Getting those things pitched was no small feat.

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