Day Two - 2008

Day two. They say the numbers have fallen (slightly) since the fist walk, but when you're out there, you feel like an army, marching in step.

Day two the cheering sections and cross guards, all the people on the sides of the road are really important. Day two is the when the blisters really kick in, and you're tired cause sleeping in tents is not the MOST comfortable you could be, and there is a whole third day to go. In 2008, some of the volunteers at crosswalks (to hold up stop signs and protect us from cars) were day savers. One guy in particular would stand at the corner and do call and response all military style while we waited for the light to get everybody singing and then he would literally dance out into the street. And I do mean dance, rhythm be damned. That kind of thing definitely keeps you going. At this point, we've done the walk enough times we know some of the people along the route. A fiend of ours crews each year:

At lunch, we had a full on picnic.

And then a little later at a rest stop we got a little show from this team, who danced their way through:

We had a relaxing time back at camp, and got to hang out with some friends from former years and few people we'd met along the way fundraising. And then, per usual, we went to bed early.

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