Day Two - 2005

Day two we rolled out about seven after struggling for an hour to cram our now disassembled tent back into the tube from which it came. If I thought putting it us was hard. Good gracious. Anyway, a few members of our team got some blister relief and we headed out. Day two took us through a somewhat hilly section around Papago park that was taxing. Going up hill just isn't as much fun as going down.

On day two we had some folks come out and see us at the cheering station, which gave us something to look forward to in the afternoon. Back at camp we pitched those darn tents again, and it was no easier! And then, the sisters' husbands and kids came to camp that night for dinner and that was really fun. We wandered around the campsite and looked at the fun stuff.

We had some dinner and hit the tent early. I won't lie. There was some pain. I remember waking up in the middle of night and wondering if my poor feet could carry me to the porta potty. Instigating little sister had some wicked blisters, there were some sun burns, but we all went to sleep happy.

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