Day One 2006

The three day got moved back to November in 2006 after the temperatures in 2005. WHOO HOO. We had some friends on our team year one. Year two it was just the four of us. Here we are:

Because we are slow learners, that's gonna be the only photo you see of year two (just kidding). I also remembered my pillow!

If you couldn't tell from the picture, instigating sister is 9 days from giving birth!

This time, I spent the night at Instigating sister's and we all met at one house where Les picked us up to drop us at the starting location. It was cold in the morning, but much better in the afternoon.

Instigating sister walked on and off with us, but caught the van a few times to get a break. This worked out fabulously for the rest of us because she met us at lunches with yummy, deletable food in hand, which is how we've rolled every since. Rolling into lunch to find husbands, kids, grandma, and gourmet sandwiches waiting is a definite shot in the arm for the afternoon.

We were out of the gate much earlier in the morning day one, and came off the course at 3pm. The first year we were never in before five. It was a totally different experience. That, AND girl scouts came and pitched out tents before we even got there!!!! Everyone buy girl scout cookies, those girls are heroes!!!! It was so relaxing and it was so cool to sit and watch the other walkers come in. Not to mention: NO LINE at the showers. Even I will get up early for that!

Once again the husbands and kids came out the first night and brought pizza! We had to put up our own tents. None of us are campers so that proved to be a little bit of a challenge. But, the good news was we camped in the same spot both nights, doing loop de loops around the city, so we only had to put it up once!

This year we managed to stay up long enough to watch some of the entertainment in the evening, which was fun. We still crashed early though, motivated to get rolling early.

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