2009 - YEAR FIVE

So, tis the season and we're ramping up for our FIFTH year. I decided to start this blog because my memory is bad. So I asked Instigating Sister for something to add:

I am constantly amazed at the energy at the 3 day. All these people coming together for ONE CAUSE. Everyone with their own story. The first year I got us to do this, I was thinking, it will be a good excuse to get in shape. Then once we started fundraising it became this rush to see how much support we could get. Then once we started camping, I just knew this was one weekend with my sisters I would never trade. To most people walking all day, camping, and doing the same thing again seems crazy. From Day 1 the first year, I knew it was a weekend I would never forget. We will walk until there is a cure, and I look forward to the 3 day because it is a time with my mom and sisters that no one can understand until you have done it.

The 3 day is so hard to explain until you have walked it or participated in it. I highly encourage all women to try it at least once!

So that's how we got here. 90 days out(ish).

I haven't done a single practice walk and need new shoes, but we've still got some time.

We're in full fundraising mode. There's a wine tasting on September 26th at Wine Styles in Phoenix from 6-8 for $25 dollars a person. We're collecting donations to raffle and include in the silent auction now!

Then, we're having a Texas Hold 'Em Tournament on October 17th. We had one last year and it was a lot of fun.

I'll post pics after the events!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I would love to help with some of your fundraisers and charity auctions. I have helped Komen prior with events. Please see below and contact me if interested.

    Autograph Store Charity Fundraising, is a charity fundraising company serving at the pleasure of more than 1,200 charities and non-profits worldwide to help them raise money via charity auctions. Autograph Store Charity Fundraising's mission is focused on helping charities and non-profits exceed their fundraising goals at their charity auctions, galas, dinners, benefits, etc. with zero risk to the organization through a myriad of authentic hand signed entertainment and music collectibles. Autograph Store Charity Fundraising's branded entertainment and music memorabilia has assisted charities and non-profits while increasing their funding in all 50 states in the US as well in Japan, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia.

    Anthony Nurse
    Charity Fundraising Director
    Autograph Store
    370 West Pleasantview Ave. #256
    Hackensack, NJ 07601

    Phone: 201-840-8777
    Fax: 201-840-8778
    Email: Anthony@autographstore.com
    Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/autographstore
