Day Three - 2007

That's what I'm talking about. Day Three it's always the hardest, but it's also the best. The end is in sight, which this year for the first time, was truly just as much as sad thing as a happy one, but everyone is revved day three. The energy is fantastic.

This might be the shirt of the year:

And, we started another important new tradition. Last year, we got in pretty early day three and hung around waiting for the other walkers and for our families to come and join us for closing ceremonies. This year, we had them come as we rolled of the course. So we all got to hang out enjoying the afternoon. Les brought snacks and there might have been a glass of wine involved.

I think that's my favorite part of the whole thing. By year three it wasn't just the walkers anymore. It's a full on family event! The kids come out at lunches and meet us, the guys come at night and have dinner, and on Sunday we make a day of it. We're up early and in early so we can spend the afternoon soaking up all that energy and cheering other walkers on with our whole family.

And then the closing ceremonies start and somehow everyone there feels like family.

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