This would be the year we hit our stride...finally.

In 2007, we had two additions to our team. Mommy! And one of our good buddies joined, Our cousin had to sit this one out, so six of us took to the street. Let me just tell you how life improves when Mom is part of the mix:
at the end of the first day, Les, our step-dad, met us at camp with little air cushions to put in our tent so it wouldn't be so hard to sleep, all you do is open the valve and it fills right up for you to sleep on. Not to mention, we bundled up in the morning, and someone picked up out sweatshirts and stuff we didn't want to carry in the afternoon...it's hard to be us.

We also got better in the funding department. Meaning we raised more money, and earlier.

We had a bowling for boobies event:

And worked an ASU tailgate party to raise money!

We had some team shirts made and overall planned far better than we ever had.

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