Let the games begin!

We've officially had 3 fund raising events!

A wine tasting, Texas Hold'em and a morning of bowling! Each event was a total success and we raised a bunch of loot but we still have a ways to go! The walk is about one month away and I, of course, have not done a single training walk. I'm not such a fast learner. This year, my team has lagged behind with me so we'll all have to kick it into high gear this month!

Here's a pic of this year's Poker Tourney:

And some wine drinkers enjoying themselves:

We have a couple more events to go. Fund raising has not been easy this year, but it's totally worth it!

Fundraising 2010

I can't believe it's already here! Fund raising season! We have some great events planned. Please come and join us for any all that work for you!

September 11, 2010
Turner household
Come have a glass of wine, get your eyebrows shaped or some funky nail polish and hang with friends. $20 donation requested.

September 25, 2010
Wine Tasting
Wine Styles Paradise Valley - Tatum and Shea
$20 gets you five tastes of great Shiraz and Syrahs

October 3
Texas hold 'em tournament!!!

October 16th
Charity Bowling
Let it Roll Bowl
12th Street & Dunlap
$20 for 3 hours of bowling from 9am - 12pm

More to come. I'll post pics from each event as we have them...

2009 Day 3

Today it will be official: 5 years and 300 miles. It's a big milestone for all of us. We were pretty charged up and matching in our pink!

The morning flew by. We got to lunch at about 11 and decided to skip the food since the whole family was meeting us at the finish with food and drinks. One of us, however, did eat what tasted at the time like the best cookie ever.

There were lots of cheer leaders on day three. More than years passed it seemed. We also came across more walkers from places other than Arizona. Many had walked in other cities and made their way to Phoenix, but some were from cities where they don't have a walk of their own.

The whole family met us at the end. We had plenty of time to collect our bags and relax before closing ceremonies began.

What's missing form this picture. Oh yeah me. Struggling behind with a broken sleeping bag cover and duffel bag as the girls move away from me. Luckily a nice stranger stopped and helped me get it under control.

The kids danced all over the park. This year they gave out bunny ears at the beginning and all the kids sported them on day three.

We cheered other walkers as they arrived at the finish.

And finally, headed over to closing ceremonies.

I gotta be honest, that first year, three days felt like a week. Now they go by so fast I feel like I've missed one by the time it's over. It's not that it isn't hard anymore. It's still hard. It just flies by, like the big vacation you've been planning all year, it's over too early. This year we talked about the suggestions we'd make for next when they send the post walk survey they always send. We all admitted we cry just filling the thing out. You can't answer those questions without thinking about Thunder Dan and the cheer leading crews, the tents at camp from every city, the people on the side of the road with signs supporting you, the cars that drive by honking and screaming out the window. It's a powerful thing to think in those moments that there are so many of us doing something with the same goal in mind: curing breast cancer.

2009 Day 2

Day two. We were up and ready to roll pretty early. Breakfast was quick. We were in and out and, at least I was, on the lookout for a Starbucks! Everybody was in a pretty good mood Day 2. We took a little break at the first stop and made sure our feet were ready for the long day.

We had some visitors at lunch, which really helps the day go by faster, and Paradise Cafe really hits the spot in the middle of day 2.

And, it's a fun stop for the kids since lunch is almost always in some sort of park or school with a playground.

At the end of the day, we stayed in camp. We all did a little shopping and sent a couple of postcards. We toured each city's tents and read the messages walkers had left for their loved ones. There's not a person can get through those tents with a dry eye, I promise you that.

After dinner, we stuck around and watched the entertainment. They had some contests for walkers in the crowd, and there were various groups who came and performed. The MC this year was really funny.

The show is over pretty early, lights out is at 10. I gotta tell you it feels pretty late at 10pm on day 2. We're over the hump and already we all feel like it's going by too quickly.

2009 Day 1

Day One 2009, it was not as cold as I remember it being last year, which was nice. Starting out in the morning freezing to death makes getting up so early so much harder! Opening ceremonies great, although it felt like we had fewer people than last year for sure.

The usual suspects were there to cheer us on, and Thunder Dan had a friend with him this year!

We were one short this year, Mommy had an injury and couldn't walk, so it was just four of us. Everyone seemed to be in better shape this year overall. We moved through the city a little faster and with a little less pain than years past.

Day one the boys came and met us for dinner. We all feasted at Z'Tejas and went back to camp pretty early. No one had any trouble sleeping, that's for sure.

Fundraising Madness

So, the fundraising has begun in earnest!

On September 26th we had a wine tasting to raise money at Wine Styles in Phoenix. We had fantastic attendance. 83 people kind of fantastic! We could not have been more thrilled. We joined a killer group on meetup called the Winebats. They came out in droves to support our cause and it made all the difference! If you are into wine and like to go to tastings, you should definitely join.

We tasted five different wines and ran well past the 8pm finish. I think everyone had a good time and we raised close to $1500! Instigating Sister and Cousin worked the door!

Lots of family and friends came out to show their support.

Not only that, we held our second annual Texas Hold'em tournament and had 53 poker players. It was a HUGE success and raised over $2000! Poker Bob did a fantastic job and everyone had a great time.

Here's the organizers: Poker Bob and Instigating Sister

Here's a table full of players

And this, this is the final table!

And the winner is...STEVE, who went home with a brand spanking new flat screen TV!

Just a few days later we had another wine tasting. This one was at Vine Expressions in Gilbert, which was a really nice place. I broke a bottle of wine 15 second after I walked through the door, but they were very gracious about it! Darlene was really helpful and once again the winebats came out to support us as well as our friends and family.

They are definitely hating it, right?

More fun!

We honestly could not be more appreciative of the support we've received. In years past we've relied heavily on the support of our family and people we know. This year we've expanded and have had so many members of the community come out in support of our team and more importantly, this cause. It has been awe inspiring. We are one happy group.

Stay Tuned! This weekend is the Self-Defense seminar at Master Turner Martial Arts and our final fundraiser of the year. The walk is almost here!!!!

2009 - YEAR FIVE

So, tis the season and we're ramping up for our FIFTH year. I decided to start this blog because my memory is bad. So I asked Instigating Sister for something to add:

I am constantly amazed at the energy at the 3 day. All these people coming together for ONE CAUSE. Everyone with their own story. The first year I got us to do this, I was thinking, it will be a good excuse to get in shape. Then once we started fundraising it became this rush to see how much support we could get. Then once we started camping, I just knew this was one weekend with my sisters I would never trade. To most people walking all day, camping, and doing the same thing again seems crazy. From Day 1 the first year, I knew it was a weekend I would never forget. We will walk until there is a cure, and I look forward to the 3 day because it is a time with my mom and sisters that no one can understand until you have done it.

The 3 day is so hard to explain until you have walked it or participated in it. I highly encourage all women to try it at least once!

So that's how we got here. 90 days out(ish).

I haven't done a single practice walk and need new shoes, but we've still got some time.

We're in full fundraising mode. There's a wine tasting on September 26th at Wine Styles in Phoenix from 6-8 for $25 dollars a person. We're collecting donations to raffle and include in the silent auction now!

Then, we're having a Texas Hold 'Em Tournament on October 17th. We had one last year and it was a lot of fun.

I'll post pics after the events!