2009 Day 3

Today it will be official: 5 years and 300 miles. It's a big milestone for all of us. We were pretty charged up and matching in our pink!

The morning flew by. We got to lunch at about 11 and decided to skip the food since the whole family was meeting us at the finish with food and drinks. One of us, however, did eat what tasted at the time like the best cookie ever.

There were lots of cheer leaders on day three. More than years passed it seemed. We also came across more walkers from places other than Arizona. Many had walked in other cities and made their way to Phoenix, but some were from cities where they don't have a walk of their own.

The whole family met us at the end. We had plenty of time to collect our bags and relax before closing ceremonies began.

What's missing form this picture. Oh yeah me. Struggling behind with a broken sleeping bag cover and duffel bag as the girls move away from me. Luckily a nice stranger stopped and helped me get it under control.

The kids danced all over the park. This year they gave out bunny ears at the beginning and all the kids sported them on day three.

We cheered other walkers as they arrived at the finish.

And finally, headed over to closing ceremonies.

I gotta be honest, that first year, three days felt like a week. Now they go by so fast I feel like I've missed one by the time it's over. It's not that it isn't hard anymore. It's still hard. It just flies by, like the big vacation you've been planning all year, it's over too early. This year we talked about the suggestions we'd make for next when they send the post walk survey they always send. We all admitted we cry just filling the thing out. You can't answer those questions without thinking about Thunder Dan and the cheer leading crews, the tents at camp from every city, the people on the side of the road with signs supporting you, the cars that drive by honking and screaming out the window. It's a powerful thing to think in those moments that there are so many of us doing something with the same goal in mind: curing breast cancer.

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