2009 Day 2

Day two. We were up and ready to roll pretty early. Breakfast was quick. We were in and out and, at least I was, on the lookout for a Starbucks! Everybody was in a pretty good mood Day 2. We took a little break at the first stop and made sure our feet were ready for the long day.

We had some visitors at lunch, which really helps the day go by faster, and Paradise Cafe really hits the spot in the middle of day 2.

And, it's a fun stop for the kids since lunch is almost always in some sort of park or school with a playground.

At the end of the day, we stayed in camp. We all did a little shopping and sent a couple of postcards. We toured each city's tents and read the messages walkers had left for their loved ones. There's not a person can get through those tents with a dry eye, I promise you that.

After dinner, we stuck around and watched the entertainment. They had some contests for walkers in the crowd, and there were various groups who came and performed. The MC this year was really funny.

The show is over pretty early, lights out is at 10. I gotta tell you it feels pretty late at 10pm on day 2. We're over the hump and already we all feel like it's going by too quickly.

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