Fundraising 2010

I can't believe it's already here! Fund raising season! We have some great events planned. Please come and join us for any all that work for you!

September 11, 2010
Turner household
Come have a glass of wine, get your eyebrows shaped or some funky nail polish and hang with friends. $20 donation requested.

September 25, 2010
Wine Tasting
Wine Styles Paradise Valley - Tatum and Shea
$20 gets you five tastes of great Shiraz and Syrahs

October 3
Texas hold 'em tournament!!!

October 16th
Charity Bowling
Let it Roll Bowl
12th Street & Dunlap
$20 for 3 hours of bowling from 9am - 12pm

More to come. I'll post pics from each event as we have them...

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe we have been walking this walk for 6 years! I can honestly say, I have never participated in anything bigger or more important in all my life. If the money we have raised saves the life of one mother, daughter, wife then I need look no further for meaning in my own life.

    I am so grateful to instigating sister (Sue) for dragging our butts to that first 3 Day walk back in 2005. Each day we step out on the streets with 2000 or so other walkers, I am awed by indominatable spirit of the survivors, the strength and courage of their loved ones, and the incredible support from the community.

    I walk because I can and others cannot.... I walk because I believe we can end breast cancer... I walk because everyone deserves a lifetime.
