Fundraising Madness

So, the fundraising has begun in earnest!

On September 26th we had a wine tasting to raise money at Wine Styles in Phoenix. We had fantastic attendance. 83 people kind of fantastic! We could not have been more thrilled. We joined a killer group on meetup called the Winebats. They came out in droves to support our cause and it made all the difference! If you are into wine and like to go to tastings, you should definitely join.

We tasted five different wines and ran well past the 8pm finish. I think everyone had a good time and we raised close to $1500! Instigating Sister and Cousin worked the door!

Lots of family and friends came out to show their support.

Not only that, we held our second annual Texas Hold'em tournament and had 53 poker players. It was a HUGE success and raised over $2000! Poker Bob did a fantastic job and everyone had a great time.

Here's the organizers: Poker Bob and Instigating Sister

Here's a table full of players

And this, this is the final table!

And the winner is...STEVE, who went home with a brand spanking new flat screen TV!

Just a few days later we had another wine tasting. This one was at Vine Expressions in Gilbert, which was a really nice place. I broke a bottle of wine 15 second after I walked through the door, but they were very gracious about it! Darlene was really helpful and once again the winebats came out to support us as well as our friends and family.

They are definitely hating it, right?

More fun!

We honestly could not be more appreciative of the support we've received. In years past we've relied heavily on the support of our family and people we know. This year we've expanded and have had so many members of the community come out in support of our team and more importantly, this cause. It has been awe inspiring. We are one happy group.

Stay Tuned! This weekend is the Self-Defense seminar at Master Turner Martial Arts and our final fundraiser of the year. The walk is almost here!!!!